The CICEBRIS carries out activities that promote the common good, aiming to put into practice the teachings received by our Master Irineu, namely respect and conservation of the environment, forests and respectful treatment of everyone without distinction.
Based on this, regular visitors and neophytes frequently provide humanitarian aid to the homeless and homeless citizens, distributing soup, distributing clothing, toys, among other necessary items.
It has also supported, through its members and actions, social initiatives in São Vicente Férrer, the hometown of the Patron of the Daime Doctrine, Raimundo Irineu Serra, with institutional and material support for a reinforcement school for children during the pandemic , with support for campaigns aimed at building wells with drinking water for the community, as well as strengthening the community of that community.
Another strengthening point is the drive to regenerate degraded environments based on agroecology, using means of planting and replanting deforested areas and clearly modifying the native ecological context.
This point proves to be one of the most important, as, at the same time, one of the main demands among the nations of the world is the care for ecosystems that are being degraded by human actions.
To this end, we see the implementation of agroforestry beds as a way of mitigating such effects, in addition, the concept of agroforestry backyards, which in addition to regenerating previously degraded spaces, provides an enrichment of the food sovereignty of those who contribute to this , because in this method, in addition to trees, species that are used for food are planted, as well as medicinal herb plants, among other crops.
CICEBRIS has 50 hectares dedicated to socio-environmental use on the land where Mestre Irineu was born, in São Vicente Férrer. Efforts are currently focused on raising funds to complete the construction of the support house, which will serve as the project's institutional headquarters, in addition to receiving employees and visitors. For 2022, the opening of 2 hectares for agroforestry management and the construction of the Daniel Arcelino Serra memorial, rescuing the Maranhão origin of the Santo Daime doctrine, is still on the horizon.