To participate in the spiritual work of Santo Daime, preparation is necessary.Sexual and red meat fasting should be done, prioritizing light foods and a Eat healthy at least three days before Labor Day. Nor should consume any type of alcoholic beverage during this same period.
To make the most of the benefits of Santo Daime, in the three days following the work the same diet must be done again. Everyone who participates in the ritual must follow this diet.
Clothes worn at work also deserve attention. No clothing is allowed black and red, with light, light-colored clothing being more appropriate. The women must wear skirts below the knee, blouses without necklines, without transparency, covering belly and shoulders. Men must wear long pants and a blouse or shirt with sleeves.
After this preview, the beginner upon arriving at the Church, at least half an hour before the work, you must present yourself at the office to fill out the employment form. responsibility and receive other information about the day's work and conduct adopted in the ritual. Minors must have parental permission.
Estrela Brilhante is a non-profit philanthropic religious institution maintained for donations. We receive many visitors, the demand is great and growing more and more. For general maintenance of the church, payment of bills and staff is requested to all a financial contribution.