CICEBRIS - Centro de Iluminação Cristã Raimundo Irineu Serra


The CICEBRIS is a religious and philanthropic institution with around 15 years of operation in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar, metropolitan region of São Luís, in the State of Maranhão.

Maintained by descendants of Raimundo Irineu Serra and collaborators from the region itself, the entity has around 40 regulars and an average of 32 visitors to each meeting, with ordinary and extraordinary sessions always taking place on the 15th and 30th of each month. on syncretic dates such as Saint John's Day, Our Lady of Conception, Kings Day, among other dates considered special.

The space intended for meetings and interactions between members and visitors is full of native vegetation and plants considered “entheogenic”, necessary for the performance of our sacrament, the Banisteropis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaf that united in decoction, caused by boil, they transform into Daime, a fundamental element for attendees to reach the peak of concentration and have their personal revelations.

Such manifestations are striking and bring syncretic aspects of different spiritual doctrines, however, the amalgam that brings everyone together is the union provided by the doctrine developed by the son of enslaved people Raimundo Irineu Serra who in mid-1912 arrived in the State of Acre, until then, federal territory, to work on the opportunities that that new territory of Brazil would be providing. Among other functions, he worked as an extractive rubber tapper, boatman, and soldier.

It was at a meeting in Peru, a country bordering Brazil, that the young Raimundo had access to what we call today Daime, however, he had known it as Ayahuasca or Hoasca, it was from there that the odyssey of the Negro from Maranhão began who formed the first , if not one of the, genuinely Amazonian religions.

Ordinary concentration session at CICEBRIS